GERMANY- NCR Head Office Augsburg

Project information



Augsburg, Germany

Client: NCR, European HQ

Total area    60,000 sqm,

Office space 12,000 sqm

Design & Supervision


The world leading cashier machines producer with head office & production facilities in Augsburg, Germany has awarded ARC-P Consult with complete design and supervision of the major restructuring of the headquarter complex in Augsburg. The objective was to down size the huge complex comprising of 13 buildings to modern compact office buildings without production facilities.

Five production buildings were demolished, other buildings were consolidated to accomodate a total of 12.000 sqm² office space.


ARC-P was able to create up to 500 modern workstations for the employees of NCR that includes an open space environment with exhibition, demo center with  customer service and conference center.